◆ 优质玻璃纤维结构的外框, 一体成型的铝铸风叶提供终身保修;
◆ High quality fiberglass frame and aluminum propeller which is molded in one body, provide maintenance for life.
◆ 每小时用电0.75度,排风量z*大为42000M3/H(0.0SP);
◆ 0.75 degree per hour, the amount of exhaust wind is 42000M3/H(0.0SP).
◆ 机翼式设计、一体成型的三叶式铝铸风叶,其排风功效比冲压成型的钢制风叶高出许多;
◆ The aluminum propeller which is molded in one body with airfoil design, its exhaust wind is much higher than steeliness propeller that is stroke out and molding.
◆ 密封型高效率电容器起动/运行的电机适用于各种场所;
◆ High efficiency capacitor start motor with airproof can adapt to all kinds of location.
◆ 烤漆保护网更耐用且易于清洁;
◆ Powder coated guard is more durable and easy to clean.
◆ z*新型的马达/轴承支撑将空气阻力降低到z*低,同时还提供了4方位的牢固支撑.
◆ The newest motor/bearing support rack can debase air resistance to the lowest point, and also provide four orientations to fix it.
◆ 特有的高强度耐磨皮带,链接式结构无需加装皮带紧固器,可方便拆下调整其松紧度,z*大限度地延长使用期限。
◆ Unique high strength and endured abrade strap with link structure which not need add the tightened implement and can easy to remove to adjust the degree of tightness, prolong the using term farthest.
◆ 大直径的皮带轮,给皮带提供了更多的接触面积,可减少皮带所受的张力并避免其滑落的可能,进而延长了皮带及轴承的寿命。
◆ The large pulley provide more interface for strap and decrease tension of strap and avoid sliding to prolong the using life of strap and bearing.